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Basic Garage Door Tips

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Basic Garage Door Tips

Useful tips for your convenience

If you're looking for helpful tips when it comes to maintaining your garage door then look no further! Just browse this section for helpful information and practical advice, put together just for you!

Stuck door? Check your track for obstructions

A pebble inside one of the tracks is a common cause for a door getting stuck. If this is the case, open the door fully and disconnect the opener. Try to get the pebble out by hand without the use of tools as they may scratch the protective zinc coating of the track and leave it exposed to rust - if you can't locate anything, give our experts a call.

Start garage door maintenance with panel cleaning

If you have a steel door, you can dissolve some liquid detergent in water and use the solution to clean the panels with a soft sponge. Use clean water and a sponge for rinsing. You should avoid spraying your door with the garden hose as this can actually cause damage. If you have a wooden door, you should simply wipe it clean with a slightly damp cloth. The use of a cleaner is not a good idea unless the manufacturer has specifically approved the product.

Look after your remote control

The remote control for your system are a major part of your garage's security. You should take care to ensure your remotes are not left on view in vehicles. Our advice is to treat them as if they were a key to your home. We also recommend teaching children that the remote control and garage door system it controls is not a toy to be played with.

Pay attention to the lifespan of your garage door components

All of your garage door parts have a specific lifespan that will complete at some point. Maintenance can help to prolong life but we always advise paying attention to the manufacturer recommended lifespan so you're not surprised by any sudden failures.

Take care of your springs

If your garage door springs are squeaking while in use, this could be a sign that rust is beginning to set in and that you should lubricate them. If the springs seem to have lost some of their tension and flexibility, it's probably time for a spring replacement - you don't want to wait until they snap completely.


When you need professional garage door service at its best, we're the team to call. Contact our experts below with any question and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

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Apr 1, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
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